Thursday, December 15, 2005


‘Tis the season to withdraw from alcohol, overdose, breakdown, or my personal favorite overeat. Don’t laugh over eating, or dietary indiscretion as we call professionals call it, lands lots of people up in the hospital. It’s the fat and salt that tips you right over into heart failure.

Isn’t that a great emphismism, dietary indiscretion, it sounds like you slept with a Danish, when actually all you did is wake up late and finish off the left over turkey, dressing, and three pies. Americans have so much wealth and so little happiness. We have so much stuff and so little security; we all need a warm safe place to go where we can be cared for.

So the hospital has filled up with people, trying to get well, to get warm or to get the help they need to die with dignity and comfort. Fear of illness and the cost of illness has become a disease onto itself here in the U.S. So people come to the hospital so sick and so frightened, and so shocked and grateful for the care we give them. The holidays provides a huge opportunity to help to heal and to comfort, it also gives those of us lucky enough to work at the medical center an up close and personal view of how hard our country has become.

The medical center, in spite of staff shortages, broken equipment, consultants, turnarounds, somersaults and frontal attacks on revenue by the Sheriff and other sundry politicians, remains a warm place. We try to give patients what they need to get well and to care for each other and patients understand that we have very few resources with which to help them but that we will do all we can with what we have.

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